Monday, January 5, 2015

Marriage Equality for LGBT Q!

Our Margo Ross Sears is The Wedding Whisperer, a wedding advice columnist. This is an excerpt from her latest installment: 

"Dear Wedding Whisperer, Not that it normally matters but my partner and I are gay. Now that we have marriage equality in North Carolina, we wish to have a wedding here. Is there anything special we show know going into this? As a same-sex couple?  ~ Gary and Mike, Apex NC

Dear Gary and Mike, Congratulations on your wedding and on being a part of local social progress!  Getting your NC marriage license and the wedding is exactly the same process for you. Scouting out friendly vendors, minister, catering… look on their websites and Facebook pages for references to LGBT Friendly or Gay Friendly.  IF none there, call and ask right upfront if they serve gay weddings. Most do.  In fact, to be blunt, we in the wedding industry are SUPER PLEASED that more clients are now available to us!  BUT the only change needed is the legal pronouncement during vows—we suggest, “Michael and Gary, it is my honor to now pronounce you married to each other, for life.” 

Please see BeachPeople Weddings' special webpage for LGBT weddings on this link: 


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